


+7(916) 190-72-34

 Moscow   RF

         Cavalier King Charles Spaniel 


Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Profile

Other Names:  Cavie, Cav

Country of origin: Great Britain

Dog Group Kennel Club:  Toy

General Appearance:

The Cavalier King Charles is a small yet graceful breed of dog. They have a silky coat of moderate length and have feathering on various parts of the body such as the tail, legs, feet, ears and chest. They are most associated in history with those of nobility and aristocracy.They are small spaniels with a short, but definite muzzle, large brown eyes.


The breed only has four recognised colours: chestnut and white (referred to as Blenheim), tri coloured, black and tan, and reddish brown all over. The latter is referred to as Ruby.


 Bitch           30cm - 33cm 
 Dog              30cm - 33cm


                             Min                   Max
Bitch             5kg (11lbs)     8kg (18lbs) 
Dog               5kg (11lbs)     8kg (18lbs)


Highly affectionate making them a good 'lap dog'.  They're friendly, non aggresive and extremely sociable. This is an affectionate, undemanding and easy to train family dog. They are excellent with children and the elderly. They can be quite spirited and vocal. The Cavalier prefers to be with their family or other dogs. They are not excessive barkers but will announce strangers. Cavaliers get along with everyone, including cats and other small pets.


Free moving and elegant.

Care and Training:

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel must be brushed weekly to prevent mats and tangles. Special attention must be given to the hair behind the ears. It is extremely important to have regular veterinary examinations as they are prone to heat problems and they are also prone to allergies, deafness, cataracts, and diabetes. The nails and the hair between the pads of the feet should be trimmed once a month. Special attention must be given to the ears as they are drop ears
and there is very little air circulation.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is highly intelligent and eager to learn. They can be trained in hunting and agility, and also do well in competitive obedience. They respond well to gentle training and high praise.

Overall Exercise  40 - 60 minutes per day.
They will adapt to whatever amount of exercise you feel able to give but do need some regular exercise or they will put on the pounds as they can gain weight easily.

Feeding Requirements:

These dogs are relatively easy to feed, not requiring any supplements or special diets.

Exercise: Med

Grooming: Med

Noise: Med

Personal Protection: Low

Suitability As Guard Dog: Low

Level of Aggression: Low

Compatibility With Other Animals: High

Suitablity for Children: High

Often docked? No

Average Litter Size: 4

Life Expectancy (yrs): 10.5

History:  Cavalier King Charles Spaniels origins are from the King Charles Spaniel, who through selective breeding from the Toy Spaniel was produced to have a more exaggerated head with a great dome and flatter face, possible from the Pug, though it is uncertain. They also may have relations with the Japanese Chin, and some sources claim this dog to come from Japan. Their name is from King Charles II who kept a large number of Toy Spaniels, by which complaints rose when they continually paid more attention to his dogs than to his governmental matters. In the 17th century the dogs were popular with King Charles the first, and thus became popular with King Charles the II. The dogs were popular among all royalty, and many used them as lap dogs, companions, foot warmers and more. Some were referred to as "comforter spaniels". They were a favorite of the aristocracy in the early nineteenth century as well. As the breed evolved, 19th century owners began to think the older looking type of Cavaliers were inferior. The preferential treatment of the newer version of Spaniels continued until the 1920s when a man named Roswell Eldridge, an American, wanted to see the old-style King Charles Cavaliers. He went to England and for five years at the Crufts Dog Show he gave 25 pounds to anyone who owned a spaniel similar to the ones in old paintings of King Charles' spaniels. The popularity if this contest brought back many of the Cavalier's original traits, giving society the dog of today. A dog called Ann's Son became the model for the first breed Standards and in 1945 the English Kennel Club granted the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel separate registration from the King Charles Spaniel. One of the most popular breeds in England and America, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel gained AKC recognition in 1996. Nancy Reagan, wife of President Ronald Reagan, owned a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.


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